Personalised 30- Page Personality Numerology Chart

Unlock the key to understanding yourself on a deeper level with a personalized 30-page numerology chart. Here’s why it’s the perfect for you

  • Gain insight into your unique strengths and challenges.

  • Discover core traits that shape your decisions and behavior.

  • Align your goals and actions with your authentic self.

  • Accelerate personal growth and manifest abundance with greater clarity.

  • Use numerology as a powerful tool to unlock new opportunities in life.

Topics Covered In Your 30 Page Chart

There is a LOT of information in the chart, a great place to understand fully are the following areas:

Life Path

Your Life Path Number is the blueprint of who you are at your core, revealing your soul’s true purpose and guiding you toward your most fulfilling path. Knowing this number helps you understand your strengths, challenges, and life lessons, allowing you to make decisions that align with your highest potential. Unlock the wisdom of your Life Path Number and start living in alignment with your purpose!

Expression Number

Your Expression Number uncovers your natural talents, abilities, and the unique gifts you bring to the world. It shows how you can best express your true self and fulfill your potential in every area of life. By understanding your Expression Number, you gain clarity on how to use your strengths to achieve success and overcome obstacles, empowering you to step into your most authentic and powerful self!

Hearts Desire Number

Your Heart's Desire Number reveals the deepest desires and passions that drive you. It uncovers what truly fulfills you at a soul level, helping you understand what brings you joy and purpose in life. By knowing your Heart's Desire Number, you'll gain clarity on what motivates you and how to align your actions with your true passions, allowing you to live a life of deeper meaning and fulfillment!

Personality Number

Your Personality Number reveals how others perceive you and the energy you project to the world. It gives insight into the first impressions you make and how you naturally interact with others. Understanding your Personality Number helps you harness your strengths, refine your image, and align the way you present yourself with your true self, allowing you to build stronger connections and attract the right people into your life!

Birthday Number

Your Birthday Number holds special significance as it reveals an additional aspect of your talents and potential. This number highlights a key trait or skill that sets you apart, offering guidance on how to embrace this gift to maximize your success and fulfillment. Understanding your Birthday Number can help you tap into this natural strength to create more opportunities and achieve your goals with greater ease.

Karmic Lessons

Your Karmic Lessons reveal the areas in life where you may face challenges or need to grow. These lessons are linked to unresolved issues from past experiences or lives, and by understanding them, you can recognize the patterns that hold you back. Gaining insight into your Karmic Lessons empowers you to work through these challenges, transforming obstacles into powerful growth opportunities on your journey to abundance and fulfillment!

What People Have Said About Their Charts

Keshia Tucci

Keshia Tucci is a dedicated Life Coach and NLP practitioner who empowers women to break through their money blocks and achieve the next level of income they've been striving for. Having worked through her own money traumas, she understands the transformative power of doing the inner work and has experienced the rewards firsthand. Keshia also incorporates numerology into her coaching to gain deep insights into her clients and help them discover aspects of themselves they've never explored, enabling rapid, powerful breakthroughs.

Other ways to work with Keshia include her program

Foundations to Fortune,

designed to help you break through money blocks, increase your earning potential, and gain more predictability in your life. You can also work 1:1 with her to fast-track your results. DM her on Instagram @fox_to_phoenix or

email [email protected] to work directly with her.

Get In Touch

Instagram: @fox_to_phoenix